
What’s On at The Natural Dog Expo?

This year’s event has more renowned global speakers

Building on the huge success of last year’s event, the Natural Dog Expo returns on Sunday 5th May, at Voco, St John’s Hotel, in Solihull.

Organised by Pet Industry Nutrition Consultant, Caroline Griffith, who combines her experience spanning over 20 years delivering events that empower pet owners.

As Caroline explains: I am so passionate about optimising natural health that I hope this year’s Natural Dog Expo will open doors for the delegates to enjoy increased wellness and longevity in their dogs, simply by embracing the potential of complementary modalities, and natural feeding”.

Interestingly natural healthcare is a blossoming topic, perhaps triggered by owners wanting to transfer their own interests in eating unprocessed foods and / or opting for complementary therapies to their dog.

Other drivers could be owners / guardians having been ‘burnt’ in the past perhaps by over medication, the long-terms effects of an overly processed sterile diet, or by discovering too late that dogs’ do not need annual booster vaccinations.

Ultimately the Natural Dog Expo offers a community of like-minded people, driven by their passion for health, overall wellness, and longevity. Its aim is to help people navigate the sector highlighting why natural solutions work, where to look, what their dog needs and who to trust.

By bringing together leaders in their fields to provide insight and help guide dog owning guardians in the right direction for their individual dog.  

Where ‘naturopathic’ differs from ‘allopathic’ is the understanding that no two dogs are the same. Recognising differences, ‘idiopathic’ conditions can be targeted effectively, the goal to help achieve optimum health through the body’s natural yearning for ‘Homeostatis’ or bodily balance.

With a strong emphasis on Nutrition and the mantra ‘You are what you eat’ the Expo’s main sponsor is family run business, Mersey Raw, founded by Ben Mcintyre. He believes that dogs can be transformed when eating a raw balanced and complete diet and his driving force is to help dogs achieve optimum health through what they eat.

Delving deep into nutrition live on the day is leading integrative Vet, Brendon Clarke BVetMed VetMFHom, MRCVS. He will be discussing ‘Feeding puppies and the RawSafe certification’. As the President of the Raw Feeding Veterinary Society, Brendon is a figurehead in the raw feeding sector, and is passionate about its growth as meeting strict standards.  He draws from a balanced knowledge based on fusing conventional medicine and alternative therapies including Acupuncture, Homeopathy, and nutritional support. He cares for life aiming to maintain the best quality possible combining all available treatment modalities.

Taking the theme of nutrition further on the day, Carol Hughes – Pet Microbiome Researcher will present some of her latest research into the canine Microbiome. Her study across all animals’ ‘biomes that was funded by the Welsh Government. Carol is set to reveal some the most ground-breaking information of its kind. Her talk uncovers some worrying findings on the dog’s microbiome as being the sickest animal in Britain when compared to cats and horses!

Also on the live speaker stage, Dr Adele Fitzpatrick BSc MRCVS will present her session about Natural Medicine for Brachycephalic Breeds. Responding to the growing popularity of breeds like French Bulldogs, British Bulldogs, Pugs, Griffons and Boston Terriers, Dr Fitzpatrick talks about a complementary approach to living with a ‘Brachy’ breed. Offering natural and practical solutions helping owners balance, manage, even pre-empt any potential symptoms naturally.

The amazing internationally acclaimed clinical canine Herbalist, Rita Hogan, has flown over from the USA especially to present her talk on Herbal Energetics. Rita will discuss why all dogs are individuals and why discovering your own dog’s herbal energetics offers a pathway to use plants to balance, heal, and prevent disease. Rita’s mantra: “In order to achieve true healing: mind, body and spirit, we must embrace the body as an ecosystem, as a direct reflection of nature “– this message will underpin her presentation.

Interspersing the proceedings on the day, invited spokespeople from the leading supporting companies will join host, Nutrition & Behaviour expert, Anna Webb, on the speaker’s stage to offer insight to what they offer, not least a host of generous competition prizes.

These include live conversations with XYZ from The Farmers Dog and the chance for delegates to win some of their raw, balanced, and complete food.

Anna will also chat with Joe Flanagan of Ingenious Probiotics, about their range of inspired healthcare and homecare products, as Joe presents two lucky winners with Petbiome’s microbiome testing kits.

The natural worming supplement Verm-X will join Anna chatting about their range and offering prizes from Pet Remedy along with a bottle of champagne.

There’s a talk from key sponsor – natural antiseptic, Leucillin, and a Q & A opportunity with the speakers and Ruth Milner from Photizo.

Additionally, the ‘real-life’ event is boosted for delegates this year with six-online speaker sessions. As a means to expand the topics covered, it allows delegates to tune in prior to the event and get excited about attending to learn even more!

Presented by acclaimed experts and vets including Dr Sue Armstrong, a pioneer in the field of Homeopathy. Sue is the president of the British Association of Homeopathic Veterinary Surgeons, and runs a referral clinic after years of practice as one of the first integrative vets in the UK. Her online talk is focussing on ‘Natural Choices for Inflammation’, which will air on Sunday 14th April at 11am.

Vince the Vet, Dr Vince MacNally joins the online line up. Boasting over four decades helping companion animals with nutritional support, targeted supplementation and a combination of modalities to offer an integrated approach. He’s offering a rare Q & A – ask Vince the Vet session. Questions from delegates on the health of their dog will be received prior to being aired on Saturday 20th April at 10am. It’s a golden opportunity not to be missed!

Contributing to the online lectures is CAM the Dog Nutritionist who, since qualifying with a diploma in nutrigenomics in 2017 has transformed the health of hundreds of dogs. His talk will reveal “Understanding Diet for Health and Longevity’ and this airs on Sunday April 14th at 5pm.

Dr Tom Lonsdale BVetMed, MRCVS joins online to discuss How and why to feed raw meaty bones in your pet’s diet. As one of the founders of the modern raw feeding community, Dr Tom is a leading light whose book ‘Raw Meaty Bones’ published in the 1990’s along with his latest book: Multi-million Pet Food Fraud are both essential reading!

Angela Ardolino – the plant and mushroom medicine educator – will air her discussion on Saturday April 27th at 3pm. Angela will highlight her journey in presenting her talk: “Just Say No To Drugs! And say Yes to Plants and Fungi. Angela runs animal rescue, Fire Flake Farm, and is founder of CBD Dog Health, and MycoDog.

Pat White is a Zoopharmacognosy practitioner whose own sensory garden has offered behavioural support for countless dogs for six years. Her discussion on Canine Sensory Gardens will air on Sunday 21st April at 11 am. It explores the myriad of health benefits of creating outdoor spaces packed with enrichment and overall wellness benefits for your dog that can easily be achieved in your own garden.

Tickets from £99.00, goody bags and the chance to interact with these exceptional experts – it’s a small price to pay for longevity!

Anna Webb – as a Canine Nutrition and Behaviour expert, Anna combines her psychology degree, with study at the College of Integrated Veterinary Therapies (CIVT) and over 20 years – experience. Host of the award-nominated A DOG’S LIFE podcast, she lives in London, and is owned by Prudence, a Miniature Bull Terrier and Mr Binks, a re-homed English Toy Terrier.

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