
Holiday Nightmares

Don’t let your dog fall ill over vacation treats

A leading canine first aider and veterinary nurse has issued a danger list of holiday picnic items, which could kill your dog. 

Rachel Bean RVN wrote the iPET Network’s course in canine first aid and travels the world teaching the skills to pet owners and professionals. 

But in her Manchester practice Rachel says that she regularly sees pets who have eaten something that they shouldn’t and is warning dog owners to take care when arranging summer picnics and barbecues. 

Rachel said: “We all like a treat in the holidays or on a picnic, but some of the things that are a treat for us can be dangerous for our pets, in practice I see this a lot and especially when the kids are at home more it’s important that the whole family knows what the hazards are. 

“There is no reason that the whole family can’t enjoy a summer picnic, but please do take this warning on board, because it could save your dog’s life.” 

Chocolate – For us humans the holidays are all about enjoying our favourite foods, and for many of us that is of course chocolate! But keep these treats away from your dog because chocolate contains the chemical theobromine, which is highly toxic to dogs and can cause death. If you think your dog may have eaten chocolate, see a vet straight away. 
If you would like to treat your dog this holiday season, why not consider a meaty chew such as a chicken’s foot or a pigs’ ear? 

Foil – Getting ready for a picnic or family meal this holiday season there is a good chance that foil will be involved, but ingesting dropped foil can be dangerous for your pet causing a blockage or a choking hazard. You can dispose of foil in your recycling bin, or even reuse it, but please keep it away from your pet and check for any that may have been dropped by children in your home. 

Chicken bones – If your holiday meat of choice is chicken be careful not to give your dog any of the bones. They can splinter and cause serious problems in your dog’s digestive system. If your dog has eaten chicken and starts displaying symptoms such as diarrhoea, stomach pain, vomiting or lethargy see the vet straight away as they may have eaten a bone. 

Dried fruits – Kids love currants, sultanas and raisins, but make sure that they don’t drop any, as they can cause fatal kidney failure in your pet. Consult a vet if you suspect your dog may have eaten one. Also beware of dropped snacks, particularly in a party environment where children are present. 

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