
Your Dogs: November

Thank you to our readers and the wonderful Westie community! Here are November’s super readers images.

Here is Hamish, kindly sent in by Nancy Rattray

A very happy Millie, sent in by Sandra Farrugia

Maggie-Mae is looking for fun! Thank you Tricia S.

Fiona loves chasing the Amazon truck and those pesky chipmunks!

Poppy & Jack relaxing together. Thank you Eve Davies.

Here’s a brilliant quartet of Max, Jack, Abbie & Casey, sent in by James Edwards.

Following on from Prim last month, here is Polo. A beautiful rescue dog from Hong Kong. Thank you Mo Morgan.

Endless energy from Sparky(15) & Diego (13). Thank you Jenny Gordon.

Bed looks comfy Maya! Thanks for this great picture David.

Here is another brilliant picture sent in by David. Awesome three of Mack, Molly & Maya!

Here is Marley, who is helping out Karen by watering the lawn and bushes. Keep up the good work!

..and here’s Marley again, looking fresh out of the salon!

We love seeing your gorgeous Westies pictures, so please keep sending them! You can send your images over social media or by email here.

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