In Memorium

Rainbow Bridge Memorials

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‘With Love and Light’ is my glass memorial business and I am absolutely passionate about it.  I lost my soul mate, a collie cross, Finn, about seven years ago. I was so devastated that I’ve not been able to have another dog since. I completely understand the pain of losing a pet. I have spent many an hour on the telephone with customers because I can empathise and that really helps me in my work. I also undertake Commission work where I get to work with the customer quite closely and I really enjoy that. Not all my customers are in a place where they feel they can talk, but I really enjoy building up a rapport even if by email. My business is a one-to-one, it’s just me and I much prefer working that way. I design glass art pieces that either hang in the window or stand in a piece of oak. The oak bases may also include a tealight holder, so you can light a candle on special occasions. I have many designs for pets and people. I am always open to creating new designs, anything that will help people, and they can be added to my memorial glass website

Once you fill in a form and place and order, I will send you a pack which contains everything you need to send your Ash safely to me. I take a pinch of ash and place it in the art piece to be melted within the glass. Once the piece is ready, it is gift wrapped and sent very well protected by special delivery. I have posted items as far as America before.

If you feel inspired by my story, please get in touch. You can contact me through my website, but also through Facebook “With Love and Light”.

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