Turducken After Dinner Mints

Treat your Bestie to a festive Christmas Delight with our Turducken After Dinner Mints dog recipe




Place chicken, turkey, and duck all into a mixing bowl.

Thinly slice the mint leaves and add a heaped tablespoon of kelp powder to the bowl and mix.

Grab a sheet of baking paper and add the mixture from the bowl to the baking paper.

Add another sheet of baking paper on top and roll out till even and thin (3-5mm).

Remove top sheet of baking paper and place in oven or dehydrator for 24 hours at 75°C or until dry and can be snapped easily.

Finally, step is to cut into bite size bits and store in an airtight container for up to six months.

For more information – and more great dog recipes – visit Chefs & Dogs: chefsanddogs.com.au

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