Top 10 Popular Raw Food Brands

Which raw food firms proved popular with over 13,000 members of a UK-based Westie Facebook Group?

We recently ran a poll on the Westie Advice Group UK affectionately known as WAG. Our members (many of which feed their Westies a raw food diet,) were asked to reveal their favourite brand when it comes to price, quality, texture, ease of ordering, delivery costs and of course, customer service.
These are our member’s top 10 most popular brands in alphabetical order.

Bella and Duke are a very up and coming raw dog food brand. There’s a good offer on their website of 50% off the first order, which is worth taking advantage of. A good selection of proteins are available so plenty to choose from.  I believe they prefer customers to be on a subscription service, but this is easily cancelled at any time. Their raw dog food is a slightly chunkier mix, it’s packaged well and shipped overnight. Customer service is generally good, and they are easy to contact if you have any issues.

Benyfit was launched in 2014 by Ben Van Praagh who was passionate about feeding his dogs a fresh nutritious diet. The company has grown and now produces several tons a week at their factory in Sussex. There’s a good selection of proteins available in either 500g or 1kg tubs and it is delivered overnight by courier. They also have stockists around the country.  It’s a chunky meaty mix for dogs.  Customer service is good, and they often have offers for new customers.

Honeys are one of the original raw dog food companies, their products are free range, wild or certified organic, they pride themselves in only using British produce.  They have a really good range and are always helpful on the phone.  You pay a little bit more for Honeys, but it’s excellent quality. One of my go-to books is still the Honeys Natural Feeding Handbook for Dogs by Jonathan Self.  If you haven’t read it, now’s the time!

Jack Wolf is 100% real food made using human grade ingredients.  It is very user friendly, is a finer grind than other raw foods and has a fairly smooth consistency.  It is delivered overnight by courier in 500g tubs.  Their customer service is second to none and their website is easy to use, they have a standard £5 delivery charge for UK mainland.  It’s so good you could eat it yourself, but it contains bone so not a good idea.  There is a new customer discount on the sample packs.  This is possibly my favourite food for my Westies.

Luna and Me offer a good range of five different proteins, it comes weighed into 100g patties (very convenient for some), they also have a puppy patty.  There is an easy-to-use calculator on the website which is handy too.  The packaging is recyclable, and the website states all ingredients are from local British suppliers. The website is very simple to use and offers lots of good information.

Naked Dog is another newish raw dog food company that are from Suffolk. It’s quite a chunkier grind and occasionally the bone pieces are visible in the mix. I never have a problem with this food and my Westies loved it.  Unfortunately, you can’t seem to buy it online, you must find a local stockist.

Natures Menu have a huge range of raw dog food that is freely available in most good pet shops.  Suitable for dog owners that have little freezer space, this can be purchased regularly from local stockists. A good range of proteins including boar, goose and pheasant is available.  The company has an easy-to-use website and food can be ordered online and delivered overnight by courier.

Nutriment has a large range of different raw dog foods ranging from puppy weaning pastes to a support range for dogs that need a little extra help with their health. The range comes in 200g packs up to 1.4kg chubs for larger dogs or multiple dog households.  There are several stockists around the country so it’s easy to buy, or delivery is overnight by courier. They have offers on their website for a starter pack as well.  Customer service is good, and they are easy to reach on the phone.  Another of my favourites.

Another well-made raw dog food with plenty of variety including novel proteins.  Available in 500g or 1kg packs. Lovely easy to use website with lots of good information regarding the benefits of feeding raw.  They also offer a good range of treats and other products. It’s nicely packaged and is delivered overnight by courier.

Paleo Ridge is another raw dog food with a good reputation, the website is great and easy to use.  Plenty of protein choices, pack sizes, and special diets available.  It’s a bit chunkier than some foods, but some dogs prefer it.  They are easy to contact either by email or phone.

Nutriment, Paleo Ridge and Honeys are very approachable and are always happy to discuss any special dietary needs. 

Sue Makepeace is the Founder of the Westie Advice Group UK (WAG).

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