Photizo’s Vetcare Helps Heal Skin Graft Patient

Initially the dog had a poor prognosis

Canine Remedial Massage Therapist, Dr Aly Grant, is no stranger to integrating Photizo’s Vetcare into her practice.  Her experience in offering hands-on muscle and soft tissue manipulation also combines her Reiki4Dogs qualifications along with a triple certification as a canine first aid responder. 

Aly is passionate about improving dogs’ wellbeing, comfort and mobility levels so that they can live as happy a life as possible. When one of her regular clients a five-year-old yellow Labrador, named Salt, was admitted to his vets with a suspected gastro bug or pancreatitis episode, the sudden journey to a severe E: coli infection, with a poor prognosis was a massive shock. 

Aly explained: “I’ve been regularly providing maintenance massage combining Photizo’s Vetcare to Salt, in his own home, addressing issues with his left shoulder and compensatory muscular imbalance. Salt is such a happy, exuberant boy, who enjoys training, agility and especially scent-work with his owner, Arlene Frater who runs Calm Canine Training. So, the news that his severe infection might at best mean losing his right front leg, at worst face euthanasia was completely devastating.”

Having been admitted to the local animal hospital after his suspected gastro bug, multiple antibiotics had failed, and on 24th June 2024 (Salt’s 5th Birthday), he had become seriously ill. An E:coli infection had spread rapidly from the site of the cannula in his right leg, causing necrotising fasciitis and an extremely high fever.

Four days later, Salt was discharged to benefit from his home environment, before returning to the hospital for a major skin graft operation. With vet visits every second day, his owner Arlene was so concerned: 

She explained: “It appeared that the skin graft wasn’t integrating, Salt was on more antibiotics and Colloidal Silver treatment, but there was still a lot of swelling, oedema and tissue exudate, which made me think we’d have to prepare for amputation, it was all so sudden, and the shock affected us all. It took until August 15th for vets to agree that his bandage could be removed to enable the wound to breathe, and hopefully heal.  This was almost two months after his initial vet trip for a tummy bug!” 

Arlene reached out to Aly for help with Salt’s rehabilitation incorporating massage and reiki therapy along with the Vetcare. Aly knew how Low -Level Red Light Therapy, (now defined by MesH as Photobiomodulation or PBM), could help promote wound healing, and Salt’s vets supported the Vetcare’s deployment. 

Aly enthused: I really feel that the Vetcare system was key to Salt’s skin graft integrating and remodelling faster into his surrounding tissues. After only three weeks, Salt’s skin graft was clearly well integrated, with hair re-growth. It was a long haul, but the Vetcare made such a difference.” 

The Vetcare’s pre-programmed, evidence based red and near-infrared doses make it easy to use and monitor the healing progress. Designed for use in-practice and at home, it harnesses medical-grade LED’s (Lighting Emitting Diodes) making it safe to use without any protective goggles. As a hand-held device, it’s so easy to use, especially useful when nursing patients in the comfort of their own home.

The magic of the Vetcare’s PBM occurs within the cellular powerhouse of the mitochondria. When cells receive an appropriate dose of Red and Near-infrared light, the key receptor, (cytochrome c oxidase), is activated during cell respiration. This activation enhances ATP production and boosts cellular energy and overall cell function by aiding the body’s natural healing processes. 

PBM also increases circulation, lymph drainage, and oxygen release and reduces inflammation to the area treated, resulting in effective pain reduction whether it’s to alleviate arthritic symptoms, allergic dermatitis or help with an open wound.

The PBM doses also stimulates fibroblast production, which makes the protein – collagen, helping to restore the skin’s structure, strength and elasticity.

Additionally, the Vetcare’s LED light offers a diffused beam, which gives a greater surface area coverage per dose.  Particularly useful in Salt’s case when deploying only two doses, twice daily. 

Aly explained: “Salt’s wound and overall wellbeing significantly improved in the first week. The Vetcare made Salt more settled, he stopped incessantly trying to lick his wound. He slept better as the pain and overall discomfort began to reduce. 

His skin graft began to integrate, the swelling and oozing reduced until by Day 22 his wound had healed so well his fur was growing back fast.  Using the Vetcare daily, we could see the healing process with new pink granulation tissue forming and the growth of hair follicles.

It was also very interesting to see how the Vetcare boosted his immune system. The wound oozed less and dried out daily, preventing the need for further antibiotics. The proof of success is evident when Salt was officially discharged from the vet hospital, alive with all four legs!” 

Arlene summed up: “After Salt’s surgery for a bacterial infection, I began using the Photizo Vetcare on his leg, and he seemed to really enjoy it. He would settle down and relax, almost as if he understood it was helping him heal. The first change I noticed was rapid hair growth, which came through remarkably quickly. It was also impressive how quickly the wound area dried up. There were a few spots where the skin graft hadn’t taken and remained jelly-like., refusing to scab over, but within a couple of days of using the Vetcare, these areas started to scab, and the skin became tougher. The overall improvement was unbelievable! The entire area looked healthier and more resilient. In only seven days, Salt had healed more than he had in the previous two weeks without the Photizo Vetcare light!”

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